Tuesday, November 4, 2014

52 Days of Faith

Sunday, November 9, 2014 marks 52 days remaining in the year.  With all the excitement that typically accompanies this time of year, I hope you will find renewed excitement in the Lord. 

To help kindle this excitement, Wentworth Baptist Church announces our "52 Days of Faith" campaign. 

Over these last 52 days of 2014, we are going to seek the Lord through prayer, Bible study, church attendance, and godly living that we may see what God will do in, for, and through a fully yielded body of believers. 
  • By faith, we are asking God to encourage and grow faithful Christians in their faith.
  • By faith, we are asking God to lead backslidden Christians to repentance and restoration into fellowship of a good church.
  • By faith, we are asking God for lost souls to be saved.
  • By faith, we are asking God for those who are hurting to be healed.
  • By faith, we are asking God for those who are separated to be reconciled.

Jesus says in Matthew 21:22, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."

Hebrews 11:6 says God "is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."

Would you like your faith to increase?
              Come to Wentworth Baptist Church starting Sunday, November 9.

Would you like to learn what Christian life is really all about?
               Come to Wentworth Baptist Church starting Sunday, November 9.

Have you been hurt in the past, especially by someone at a church?
                Come to Wentworth Baptist Church starting Sunday, November 9.

This is not just a revival meeting.  This is the beginning of a glorious Christian life for all who will have it.
- Pastor Greeson