Although the first "Great Awakening" of four took place hundreds of years ago, The Lord isn't finished with New England. Although, the region has grown spiritually cold to the things of the Lord, revival can take place again. The Wentworth Baptist Church desires to see a "Reawakening" where God is glorified and exalted. What New England needs is to arise from its sleep. Our vision is to see all of New England revived once again and on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ. Our desire is to see many souls saved and to become disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The sermon, "The Christian Pilgrim" was preached in September 1733 in Boston by Jonathan Edwards to Stockbridge Indians. The sermon is also known as "The True Christian's Life a Journey Toward Heaven" which pointed people to the Love of JesusChrist and the journey toward the gates of heaven.
The sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", was originally preached by Jonathan Edwards on July 8th,1741 in Enfield, Connecticut. It's the most famous sermon in American history and was part of a nationwide revival that changed the course of America for generations. Jonathan Edwards has long been considered one of the foremost theologians of all time, eventually becoming the President of Princeton University in 1758.
Edwards was keenly aware of the spiritual decline and coldness to the gospel in New England, and in his own congregation as well. The desire of his heart was to see a spiritual revival among both these groups. When we consider New England now; one cannot but see how much more another great revival and Great Awakening is needed today!
Edwards preached this sermon in the unemotional, solemn, and somber style of that day, the response of the congregation and other hearers was to loudly moan and cry out to God under conviction of sin and with a demonstration of fear unheard of in that day. Historical accounts state that people were under such Holy Spirit conviction that they were literally following prostrate in the aisles unable to move. The sermon is completely true the Bible which is the inerrant, infalliable Word of God. In this sermon, Edward's intense descriptive imagery that provides a foundation for the truth of both God's intense love for man and yet His severe judgment for sin.
What does New England and its people need today? They must see both God's intense love for all man that was demonstrated by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. However, man must see his sinful state and be aware there is to be a coming judgment for sin.
Our vision at Wentworth Baptist Church is to preach the Word of God in a strong fashion without apology and pray that the Lord God Almighty would indeed send "The Great Reawakening."
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